AuthorHouse Review by Bruce Kimmel, AuthorHouse's Most Published Author Publishing's Most Published Author Bruce Kimmel shares his thoughts and experiences behind his 12 books. In this AuthorHouse review, he reveals why he makes publishing a book an annual event and stuck by the same production team since his first book. He talks about the journey he went on from literary agent to self-publishing, and why he will continue publishing with AuthorHouse.


I'm Bruce Kimmel, author of twelve AuthorHouse books.

I'm very much a creature of habit, and I loved the process of writing a book so much that I said, I think I'll do this once a year. I get up in the morning and I write, and you know, if I write five pages a day, I'm thrilled, and nobody is telling you what to do. You're on your own in your own head. And it's the most creative thing ever. And I've done a lot of creative things in my life but it is THE most fulfilling. So I give my first book to my agent, William Morris, and they sent it to their literary agent in New York, who liked the book but didn't think anybody would buy the book and therefore, refused to send it to any publishers. Read more

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